Project founded by Eu Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-13, ERASMUS CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT 510379-LLP-1-2010-IT-ERASMUS-ECDCE
Since 1995, within the framework of the Barcelona Process, Europe has been promoting significant political
activity in the Mediterranean region with a view to creating an area of economic prosperity, stability and security. The centrality of north-south cooperation programmes within Europe and its associated partners from the MEDA region is evidenced by the establishment of specific communitarian actions and the enactment of strategic economic instruments that ensure greater efficiency in the decentralised management of resources.
These initiatives demonstrate the importance of supporting European efforts through the promotion of competent professionals, who are able to implement successfully the international aspects of strategic European programmes. The aim of the proposed project is to create a shared curriculum on “The euro Mediterranean region: Sustainability between people and politics EU-Mes” through the implementation of teaching modules that aim to promote specific skills and competences in the field of international relations. In addition to the establishment of a common path leading towards the implementation of an integrated teaching programme, the main outcome of the project will be the formation of qualified individuals in Euro Mediterranean relations, who will be competent in a number of applicable fields.
The programme includes relevant pedagogical strategies vis-a-vis the activation of different didactic modules.
These are characterised by specific and transversal topics, an e-learning common platform, and technical
language courses. Additionally, in order to enhance the language skills of the students, the official languages of
the courses will be English and French. Besides this, the involvement of partners from Third Countries will
provide us with a strategic opportunity to analyse Europe's policies of cooperation from an outside point of view and offer a new approach towards multicultural and integrated societies
General aims and objectives:
- To create a shared curriculum on “The euro-Mediterranean region: sustainability between people and politics” through the implementation of teaching modules
- To establish a common path leading towards the implementation of an integrated teaching programme (among partners) – leading to double/joint degrees
- To promote specific skills and compentences in the field of International Relations with specific reference to the Mediterranean region
- To create experts able to promote effective and sustainable development projects related to Euro-Med cooperation in social/cultural/economic field
- To produce learning outcomes anchored to the EQF indicators
Partner Universities:
- Università Ca'Foscari Venezia (leading partner)
- School of Oriental and African Stuies - London
- Paris VIII
- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
- Université Paul Valery de Montpellier
Educational Platform powered by: Entropica
EU-MeS Web Site
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